With the release of Wikileaks, it troubles me to know who CAN we trust? I'm not saying go vote third party or vote Libertarian or whatever, but seriously, isn't our government officials just like employers? First, when they start noticing the employees are starting to worry about the real things that the boss is trying to avoid them knowing, the employer starts saying it's ok, just keep doing what you're doing and things will be fine. Then there's the meeting of they're having Hawaii shirt day on Friday and, oh, we really need to start increasing sales and thinking of what's best for the company. Then they start to get on your case on more stuff than they use to. Then they start suggesting to cut things like, coffee in the break room. Then they start finding reasons to can people before the final step - laying people off. Yeah, your boas looks as serious as Lincoln during this entire ordeal, even the Hawaii shirt day thing.
Funny hat Fridays for all who want to participate!
Well, at first, we were
told things are just fine, to
keep doing what we've been doing in this bad economy and spend, and
things were big parties (
I mean, Bush told us to spend, right conservatives?, so spending must be ok!). Everything's cool everybody, we're American, this economic stuff is gonna be just fine, while what they're not telling us is that the country (or company)
is having to cut some stuff the people would rather it not cut but it's ok because
they're doing it for the country. Then
the stockholders don't seem so enthusiastic but the boss, sweating up a storm and upping his cigarette intake
tries to assure them things are ok, nothing to worry about, and
he welcomes their rise and potential to buy the company! Uh-oh, did the employees hear that?! Let's just tell them things THEY can do to help out, like, I dunno,
stop eating. Then comes the
finding sorry reasons to let people go.
Seriously sir, you have got to cut this out.
It's sort of scary, even from the perspective of someone without OCD. What are the bosses
not telling us while they hide behind smiling faces? What are they going to
be telling us tomorrow that will be completely different from
what they told us yesterday?
Finally, what will be that final step? Will we show up at the office the next day only to find the doors locked and the building empty? I dunno. I'm afraid to find out.
In God I Trust!!!