Saturday, April 30, 2011

Forget gold! Get a REAL investment!

Sorry for being gone for so long.  I'm back, with helpful financial advice.

BARBIE BUBBLE! from EIT! on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

This Could be McBad!

McDonalds is warning that, due to food inflation, it may have to raise the prices of some of its' products.

Pictured is, possibly, Glenn Beck investing in McDonald's, before inflation!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Is Twitter Destroying Your Brain?

Tweets, apps, updates, and the online world could be baking your mind into a slimy mush.  Did you seriously need scientists to tell you this?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

No Need to Get Arrested Over Spilled Milk

A middle-school'er refused to clean up milk he had spilled and then, when told to wait for school officials to deal with him individually, ran through the kitchen and hallways until caught, which then he attempted to kick and fight. There is no report if he was crying over the spilled milk wakawaka.

Half of Meat May Be Infected!

Half of the meat you buy at your local supermarket may be infected with the staph germ.  Don't eat it raw.

If only they had listened.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Teachers' Group Hearts Cop Killer

The California Teachers Federation, a branch of the AFL-CIO, has adopted a resolution to support Mumia Abu-Jamal, a man who shot multiple times and killed a Police Officer, during a routine traffic stop.  That's higher education for you.

That's the logic of big Unions.  The guy kills a cop, people see it happen, all of the evidence proves he did it, but he should be teaching moral values to your kids.

New World Order Excludes USA

So, I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but there's a new world order emerging that does not include us.  This may PO the Prez and Senate but, I dunno, I like the sound of it.

Is he out of it?

Monday, April 11, 2011

If You're In Boston, They Could Be Watching!

Thermal cameras issued by the city of Boston could potentially see through walls and into people's homes.  If you're in Boston, they may be watching you.  The ACLU put up their terror dukes and 'raised concern' meaning they were going to go after the city if they didn't do their bidding.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

SEIU Implements Economic Terror Plan

The SEIU's storming of WA Capitol and invading the governor's office is implementing economic terrorist Steve Lerner's (who, as stated earlier, is STILL in the SEIU even though he is an economic terrorist) plan exactly.

This only shows how huge unions and 'community organisations' such as SEIU and ACORN are a clear and present danger to the United States.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Deep Dark Secrets of Google Revealed

What is Google hiding?  What information they could have on you, world leaders, classified documents, UFO's, untested biological technology for DNA research, whatever else, has possibly been revealed in a new book detailing the creepy company's research into creepy goings-on.

Watch out, Google may already know your favourite bookstore.

Marxists / Socialists / Unions Call For VIOLENT Revolution

There are those who do, or did, call for peaceful protests.  It would seem that this isn't the case any more between socialists and unions.

To take a somewhat serious note on this, I think this video sums up what unions are about.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Klepto(?) Steals Courtroom's Gavel

The report didn't say anything about the man having an addiction to randomly taking things that didn't belong to him, however when someone steals a gavel from a court room, there's a problem.

The suspect was not the law.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Scavenger Cuts Internet To Whole Country!

A 75-year-old woman from Georgia, who was scavenging for copper, accidentally cut the line providing internet service to all of Armenia.  Not much else I can add to that.

The Case of Healthy Insomniac

Normally insomnia is a problem.  For a small amount of the population, however, it's no problem at all. They fight sleep the same way Chuck Norris gargles peanut butter.  They just don't need it and get by fine without it.

How about 20-hour energy, FOR FREE?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Feds Investigate Investigative Journalists!

The fed operative was pretending to be a journalist in the 1990's, according to a recently declassified memo from the FBI labeled 'secret'.  Sorry ABC, I guess they forgot that 'freedom of the press' thing.

FBI busy making guacamole!

Working Long Hours Can Kill You

Do you love working long hours?  Are you a complete workaholic?  Turns out that workaholicism could be more dangerous to your health than alcoholism.  So think about that next time you sign up for overtime.

Working long hours has done wonders for this guy.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

UFO's aren't Always UFO's

People stared at the sky, someone taking a video with a cell phone.  Was earth being invaded? Was this the end?  No, they were sky lanterns for Child Abuse Awareness.

We're here for ingrown toenail support!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dems Search Senator's and Family's Med History

Sen. Scott Brown, a republican in the very blue Massachusetts, has been harassed by Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to provide them with health insurance info of not only him, but his family too.

Really, the issue is a scary one, and from the DSCC's statement on the issue, one that involves harassing the Senator more than getting medical information.  “Obviously, the commission has made a mistake. Now Brown is trying score cheap political points to distract from his record, voting in lock step with Republicans in Washington, D.C.,” said spokesman Matt Canter.  “Brown votes with the Republican establishment 98 percent of the time, and that makes him out of step with Massachusetts"That's not surprising, considering Sen. Brown is a Republican and, logically, is going to be voting with his own party, and I don't think it's out of step with the voters since they voted him in.

I think what makes more sense is what Larry Sabato, Director of the Center for Politicals at the University of Virginia said:  "The big picture is that Scott Brown is virtually the only Republican senator of the 10 up for re-election that could possibly be vulnerable.  "The Democrats have got to dig up some dirt because they don’t have any alternative.”

Seems the state is being frighteningly militant here.

 I dunno if we can vote for a guy with that kinda medical history.  How's about a refill for the liver?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Foreign Banks Tapped Most From Gov't, Bernanke Kept it Secret

$33.5 billion to a bank based in Brussels and Paris.  $24.5 billion to a bank based Germany.  70 percent of the $110.7 given in October 2008 went to foreign investors  "when use of the program surged to a record".  Is it that foreign interests are too big to fail at the cost of the United States?

As this article reports,  "In an April 2009 speech, Bernanke said that revealing the names of discount-window borrowers “might lead market participants to infer weakness.”"  YOU THINK?  I think Rep. Ron Paul put it better when he said, “The American people are going to be outraged when they understand what has been going on.”

 If he had his way, he wouldn't have to be forced to be honest I'd imagine.